10 x 63 x 20 cm
7 kg
7.30 kg
8.20 kg
7 kg
10.60 kg
1. It is recommended to have the leveling block properly leveled.
2. Have falsework consisting of shoring towers and 4”x4” loaders separated by a maximum of 1.50 m in both directions.
3. If there is a need to drive against arrows, have them prepared in the falsework according to what the plans indicate.
4. The first joist is placed 55 cm from the panel as indicated on the plans.
5. The following joists are placed at 69 cm or 73 cm (center distance) from the previous one, as the case may be, being able to use brick vaults such as “scantlings” at the ends to facilitate their separation.
6. It is configured by placing joists following the instructions that appear on the plans.
7. Once the joists have been installed, the brick vaults are fully installed.
8. When an electrical installation has to be done, the vault is removed, in its place a piece of plywood is installed and it is propped up with a 4”x4” bar. The octagonal box is nailed to the plywood and the remaining area is filled with pieces of vaults.
9. For the hydro-sanitary installations, they can be installed on the vault, the bathroom area can also be centered in a traditional way, make the installations and fill the remaining areas with vaults. The third alternative is to remove the vaults only from the necessary areas, place the installations and place plywood "lids" where it is necessary to cast.
10. If it is required to pass the pipe perpendicularly to a joist, the upper steel, the diagonal and the concrete that surrounds the lower steel can be cut in order to make room for the pipe. Never cut the bottom steel.
11. If a joist cracks or breaks due to a fall, simply place a shoring tower under the broken or cracked part and proceed with the casting.
12. Heat steel is placed perpendicular to the joist at the distance specified on the plans. It is tied to the top of the joists to prevent movement during the casting.
13. The casting is done with concrete f'c= 200 kg/cm², and neither setting accelerators, nor fluidifying, nor integral waterproofing agents, nor fibers, are necessary. If you are going to travel with wheelbarrows, you must have prepared "walkways" or steps using planks to avoid stepping on vaults.
14. It is necessary to walk on joists or on prepared planks. We insist on NOT STEPPING ON VAULTS neither during the enabling of the system, nor during casting.
15. We recommend curing the flagstone concrete for 7 days with water irrigation. Do not cast at temperatures above 40°C or below 5°C. The formwork can begin to be removed when the concrete reaches 75% of its final strength (ie. 150 kg/cm²).
16. It is recommended to fill the flagstone as soon as possible to give slopes and avoid "gaps" or places where water can concentrate. Once plastered, proceed with the correct waterproofing of the flagstones and parapets.
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